Thursday, February 14, 2013

Finding who you are

Hi my name is David and I would like to show you how to accept who you are and not be willing to compromise it for anyone that thinks differently. It's really quite simple and it's honestly all about mindset. The key to it is finding yourself, find out what makes you happy or what you can imagine yourself doing as a career. I used to be all over the place, first I wanted to be a cop, then I wanted to be a firefighter, then I wanted to join the army, then I wanted to be in music. I realized that my personality traits didn't suit what I was trying to do. I'm calm by nature and have lots of patience which is why I've ultimately chose the path of entrepreneur. I work better at my own pace vs having someone rushing me and I like to have my own agenda when I do things. I've found that it pays to keep certain things to yourself because then people are not in a position to approve or deny advice is to take your time and actually sit down and think about what you want to do

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